Tuesday, December 25, 2007

How to Find a Carpool

I think the best site, as it turns out, is RideSearch.com That site enables people to search anonymously, which IMO is better than the other sites. The other sites need you to add your information publicly. RideSearch.com is good.

Monday, December 24, 2007


RideSearch.com is getting closer to completion. I think this site could change the way the nation carpools.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A review of RideSearch.com

Ah, an interesting review of RideSearch.com

This is a review of RideSearch while it is still in Beta,
Just wait till it is perfected and released....


Friday, December 14, 2007


A good place to is a place to commute to. A good place to commute to, as found in the wikipedia and msnbc articles is by using the latest in carpool sites. This site is called RideSearch and can be found at

It is really cool. I allows people who are smart the ability to carpool. The reviews are in, RideSearch is good for the carpool and for the rideshare. So that those who want to find a ride can search for one. They can also be a hero! Woot!
